The project’s goal is to share V4’s experience in the area of rule of law, especially Citizen Court Monitoring from Poland, and other good governance programs from EU/OECD region. The project consisted of two trainings in May 2016. One in Georgia by Ms. Annamária Kékesi, Development Director of ICDT on “How to conduct evidence based advocacy for the rule of law and good governance” and another by Mr. Dániel Bartha, Executive Director of the Center for Euro- Atlantic Integration and Democracy on “Participatory monitoring and evaluation of good governance: Methodology and instruments”. The ICDT also contributed to the creation of elaborated Guidebooks for both trainings that will further ad to the institutionalization and the acceptance of the above mentioned, more on a local scale. The established practice will be extended over the other EaP countries, sharing outcomes through the EaP civil society forum annual meetings where the countries will have representatives organized in thematic groups.
The project has been supported by the International Visegrad Fund
Our partners have been:
Protection of Rights without Borders
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and international Studies