9 November, 2016
On November 9, 2016 the ICDT organized a roundtable discussion with Beata Jaczewska, Director of the International Visegrad Fund at the ICDT HQ, in the framework of the program titled “Silver Anniversary of the V4 cooperation”.

21 October, 2016
For the closing conference of the project titled "Capacity Building of Local Communities: V4 Experience for EaPC” 300 participants gathered at Vinnytsia Philharmonic representing civil society, small town leadership, local and international NGOs.

17 October, 2016

17 October, 2016

September 28, 2016
Our Institute has been in partnership with the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) in the framework of the project dealing with the challenges for the Visegrad Group on its 25th anniversary.

On September 15, 2016 the closing conference of the „Institutional Reforms of Ukraine’s Energy Policy” was held in Kiev, Ukraine in association with the Razumkov Centre. The project has been supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

September 13, 2016
The event of the Antall József Knowledge Center: ICDT has been represented by a panelist and moderator.

An online discussion was held via webex platform in the framework of the project titled “Institutional Reform of Ukraine's Energy Sector in the Context of Its Integration into the EU Market”

May 14, 2016
The ICDT under the partnership agreement with the Vinnytsia Regional Department of International Non-governmental Organization "Ukraine-Poland-Germany” contributed to the implementation of the: The Capacity Building of Local Communities: V4 experience for EaPC project.

The project aims to empower Georgian and Armenian CSOs and contribute to their ability to conduct effective evidence based advocacy and to develop a regional model of cooperation for advocacy in the area of rule of law and good governance.

December 26-28, 2015
Concluding event and premiere of a ferry station in Hola Prystan, the first resolution among many local issues collected and visualized by the community-based 'gopriplus.org'.

27-30 September, 2015
CSO representatives of Macedonia and Kosovo participated in a study trip, organized by ZIP Institute and ICDT

23-27 September, 2015
Selected participants of the V4 Academy for Political Leadership participated in a study tour organized by the ICDT

10 June, 2015
Field trip of the Hungarian delegation to assist the National Assembly of Lao PDR, Vientiane in June, 2015

1 June, 2015
The ICDT, celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2015, is hereby publishing the top three essays submitted for the Centre’s winter 2015 Call for Papers.

12-15 May, 2015
Along with its partners, ICDT has successfully organized the first series of events of the Visegrad Academy for Political Leadership in Kyiv, between May 12-15, 2015.