The keynote speech was delivered by Mr. Sergeii Tatusiak, Chairman of the International Non-Governmental Organization Ukraine-Poland-Germany. Mr. Tatusiak noted the importance of self governance of local communities as a necessity for moving closer to European Union norms. Other prominent speakers, such as Petr Pajas, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Peace and Development, Dr Matheus Buhbe , Regional Director of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung were present and delivered speeches on the success of the project form their organizations perspective. On behalf of the ICDT - as the partner organization in the project - Mr. Attila Pomlényi emphasised in his speech the importance of the involving all levels of society into policy creation in order to create social capital, trust between citizens and decision makers.
It is an important achievement of the Vinnytsia region to have received financial support of small community organizations and small community collaborative projects.
Partners of the project
- Vinnytsia Regional Department of the International Nongovernmental Organization “Ukraine-Poland-Germany” (Ukraine)
- Public Association Euroregion Dniester (Moldova)
- International NGO Regional Centre for Cross-border Cooperation Euroregion "Dniester" (Ukraine)
- Soroca district Council (Moldova),
- The Carpathian Foundation (Košice, Slovakia)
- Regional Development Association for the Carpathian Euroregion (Hungary)
- Institute for Stability and Development, o.p.s. – ISD (Czech Republic),
- The Wielkopolski Centre for Local Government Education and Studies Association –WOKiSS (Poland)
- Local Goverments of the Vinnytsya region Association (Ukraine)
- Communities of Vinnitsya region
- Resource and information center NGO (Ukraine).
The project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund and implemented by the Vinnytsia Regional Department of the International Nongovernmental Organization “Ukraine-Poland-Germany” (Ukraine).