Nearly 70 participants attended the event, including governmental officials, business representatives, researchers, scholars, and delegates of international organizations.
The aim of the conference was to share the Visegrad Group’s experiences in terms of energy policy developments and milestones as well as to express some recommendations on the reform of Ukraine’s energy policy. The experts from the V4 countries also presented the most important energy efficiency funds and programs. The lectures highlighted the role of the national energy regulators.
The conference was opened by Mr. Volodymyr Omelchenko and Mr. Mirwais Janan, representatives of the Razumkov Centre and the ICDT respectively, and was followed by the V4 experts’ presentations. Mr. Peter Golias, Director of the Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO) talked about the Slovak energy sector, its developments, milestones and the energy efficiency programs. Mr. Golias also stressed expert recommendations to Ukraine’s energy sector.
Mr. András Deák, Head of Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences highlighted the Hungarian energy sector’s evolution and the most important steps of the privatization and nationalization processes. Mr. Deák emphasized some comparative data on national energy regulators and funds for energy efficiency.
The Czech energy sector progression was presented by Mr. Michael Smith, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA). Mr. Smith underlined some further suggestions for the Ukraine’s energy reform process.
Mr. Krzysztof Filcek, Deputy Director of the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation (PAUCI) introduced the Polish experience on the institutional aspects of the country’s energy sector (milestones, energy funds, programmes and the role of the national regulator). Mr. Filcek also talked about the possible reform processes of the energy sector.
The most important achievements of the project and its outcomes have been presented by Mr. Victor Logatskiy, Leading Expert of the Razumkov Centre. The lecturers and the participants discussed the issues raised during the presentations in lively and active debates.