As a part of the project “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Lao National Assembly” an ICDT delegation visited Vientiane, Laos between June 1-June 5, 2015. The visit, an interview-based field research trip was designed to contribute to the elaboration of the parliamentary handbook which will be distributed among the members of the Lao National Assembly (LNA) at the end of project. During the visit Dr. Krisztián Kovács (Head of EU Department, Directorate for Foreign Relations, Hungarian National Assembly) and Mr. Bence Kapcsos (Project Manager, ICDT) conducted structured interviews with Heads of Parliamentary Committees and Director Generals of Departments and met with representatives of the international donor community.
The project “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Lao National Assembly” enjoys the support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.