Twenty-five years since the Visegrád Group’s inception, Central Europe is now front and center on the European and transatlantic policy agenda. While questions of EU cohesion, frontline security and Union enlargement loom large, the V4 shines as a beacon of success in regional cooperation. What do the next 25 years hold for the Visegrád Group and how will the Group shape European and U.S. policy?
These questions were brought front and center last week in Washington, D.C. at the CEPA Forum 2016, the largest gathering of Central and Eastern European officials, experts and industry leaders in the United States. Organized by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) the Forum was made possible in part by the support from the International Visegrad Fund, and in partnership with the Institute of East-Central Europe (IESW), EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, our Institute and the Slovak Foreign Policy Association.
As part of the CEPA Forum 2016, leading experts from each of the V4 states tackled these critical question on the future of the Visegrád during its Silver anniversary. You can read more by following the link here,