The joint initiative of ICDT and Cisco Hungary, the One World Learning (OWL) pilot project has been covered in various online and printed media quoted below.
Anikó Jóri-Molnár: Kenya within an arm's reach. Budapest Business Journal, Vol. 20. Number 13, June 29, 2012 – July 12, 2012
Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium: Berzsenyis és kenyai diákok eszmecseréje a Cisco képernyőin (in Hungarian)
Budapest Business Journal: Kenya within an arm's reach (in English)
Info Világ: Magyar–kenyai diákeszmecsere a Cisco képernyőin (in Hungarian)
IT Business Online: Virtuális osztálytermek a Ciscotól (in Hungarian)
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