Second Workshop of the Cross-River Development Project Held in Varniţa
10-11 May 2012
Second Workshop of the Cross-River Development Project Held in Varniţa

On May 10-11, one month after the first workshop, ICDT held the second workshop of the Cross-River Development project in Varniţa, Moldova.

During the second workshop our main aim was to stimulate the further elaboration of the project ideas that were drafted at the first workshop – a bridge across the Dniester and a turistical centre.

The first part of the workshop focused on the best practices in the European cross-border development, provided discussions concerning the methodologies, project development issues and strategies.

The participants were acquainted with the structure and the system of a logical framework, the budget and the concept note. The expert of CESCI, Mr. Gyula Ocskay and Ms. Annamária Kékesi, Development Director introduced the most applicable donors in the target sectors and areas.

After the participants plan their own projects the brainstorming continues at the third phase of the project, a field trip to Hungary between May 20 and May 25.

The project is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary.

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