ICDT’s annual Executive Committee Meeting was held at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs on January 21, 2013. After a presentation of last year's activities, the Committee discussed and accepted the proposed annual report. Among others, the Afghanistan after ISAF conference, the Conference on Democracy and Human Rights 2012, past and ongoing projects in the Republic of Moldova (Cross-River Development project, Capacity Building of the Dniester/Nistru Euroregion, Promoting Moldova's EU Aspirations) were highlighted, along with the innovative One World Learning project connecting secondary school students around the world. The importance of the organizational and work-wise synergy between the ICDT and the Tom Lantos Institute were emphasized regarding past and future projects, as well as the essential special relationship between the ICDT and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Furthermore, the Committee discussed the proposed and planned projects for the year 2013, and the Committee’s suggestions on providing answers for new, emerging threats in cooperation with the European institutions were taken into account for further project developments.