VisegrAid 4 Moldova: Roundtable discussion
28 February, 2014
VisegrAid 4 Moldova: Roundtable discussion

The event’s main purpose was to highlight the importance of the Republic of Moldova within the European Union’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) Program, and also to discuss the effectiveness and the impact of the Visegrád (V4) countries’ financial support. The Eastern European country receives an approximately 1.5 – 2 M € annually, making it the top recipient country of the Visegrád 4 Eastern Partnership Program. As the main organizer and the moderator of the discussion, Mr. Dániel Bartha (CEPI) outlined it, the event’s main goal was to describe the key priorities, the focus and the working methods of the V4’s program from a recipient based approach.

Ambassador István Gyarmati provide a brief political overview on the country, while Mr. Michal Skala from the Slovak Atlantic Commission summarized the generally changing approach of Slovakia to Moldova in terms of provided support. Ms. Zsuzsanna Végh from the Central European University described Hungary's strategic approach to Moldova, as it is detailed in the recently published study of the Central European Policy Institute on V4 support directed to Moldova.

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