Afghanistan After ISAF
December 2011 - February 2012

The aim of the project is to organize a roundtable discussion which brings together security sector, development aid experts and strategic planners from some of the partner countries with significant presence in Afghanistan along with NGO representatives and key figures from the country to a workshop that deals with a sustainable political development and presence of NATO countries and partners after the planned withdrawal of forces.

It has been ten years since the day when a number of prominent Afghans met under UN auspices in Bonn, Germany, to decide on a plan for governing the country. The Bonn Agreement was the initial in a series of settlements intended to re-create the State of Afghanistan following the U.S. intervention in the country after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The tenth anniversary has passed and the outcome of the Second Bonn Conference, held in Germany on December 5, 2011, will be of high importance for the future of Afghanistan.

Project Description
The event titled “Afghanistan After ISAF”, to be held on January 27, 2012, will cover topics such as the strategy of NATO and the key contributing nations for the post-2014 period, Afghanistan after the transition, the role of key EAPC and Partner Countries. Based on the findings of the workshop, a policy recommendation paper will be prepared and distributed in a wide circle.

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