Enhancing Minority Integration through Improved Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages in Kosovo – Phase 2
December 2010 - May 2011

This project is the second phase of ICDT’s program titled “Enhancing Minority Integration through Improved Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages in Kosovo”, successfully implemented between December 2009 and June 2010. The main purpose of the project is to further initiate the process of drafting a sublegal act improving the implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages. In contrast with the first phase, in the course of this project participants from the municipalities of Novo Berdo, Ranilug and Obilic will focus more on strategies on how to improve targeted issues plaguing the minority community, to be determined by the working group in each separate municipality (i.e. the increased integration of the Romani in Prizren, or the availability and distribution of minority-language school materials to the Serbian, Bosniak and Turkish communities).

The effective continuation of the first phase of the project is essential in order to ensure the further development of the society in Kosovo. The survival of Kosovo as an independent nation relies on the ability of its many ethnic communities to integrate, cohabit, and cooperate, which can only be achieved through the foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and protection of each group’s cultural and linguistic identity. Assuring this goal requires the inclusion of the whole society.

Project Description

The ICDT is running the second phase of a project together with its strategic local partner, the Kosovo Local Governance Institute (KLGI). Each working group will develop preliminary plans and methodologies on how to correct the issue determined, and will create a timeline outlining plans for future meetings to follow-up on these ideas. Phase two will also work on translating the lessons and ideas of the first phase into tangible results. The project consists of two main events:
(1) A workshop disseminating the model used in the first phase; by involving the municipalities of Ranilug, Novobedre (Novo Brdo) and Obiliq (Obilic); assisting in the implementation of the language law; addressing the root causes of societal conflicts and introducing pilot projects which intends to strengthen the protection of minority groups.
(2) A conference in Pristina introducing the project’s achievements to top politicians from Kosovo in order to strengthen local ownership and sustainability; finding the synergies among the implementation of the law in different municipalities, drawing conclusions not only on the municipality but on the national levels; elaborating the strategy for continuation and further expansion of the project.

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