Visegrad School of Political Studies - Partnership
June 2014 - December 2014
June 2014 - December 2014


Lead Organization

The leader of the project is the Warsaw based European Academy for Democracy (Europejska Akademia Dyplomacji) and it is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.



This project by means of organizing two 5 days workshops aims to create an opportunity for young professionals, future journalist, experts, researches, policy makers, aged between 20 and 35 from both from the Visegrad and Eastern Partnership countries to enrich their knowledge and share their ideas on the implications of the most pressing issues of today’s world. During the workshops the participants will have lectures and discussions with V4 experts from different fields, e.g. on the following topics: V4 Countries transitional and regional cooperation experience, EU decision making and lobbying, the role of social media campaigns, fighting corruption and political transparency, as well as on civil society and youth political party organizations.  By building connections between young regional professionals, in the long run these projects also serves as a great tool to improve the relations and foster cooperation between the represented countries.


It is of high importance to the European Union to assist its Eastern neighbors during their democratic and economic transition and to help them creating lasting stability and prosperity. The V4 countries, considering their own experience, have all the possibilities to become a driving force in this process, therefore a continued knowledge exchange, discussion and deepened relations between young experts and future decision makers of two regions can decisively contribute to the achievement of these goals.

Project Description

The project consists of two 5 days workshops, which will take place in Warsaw, between June 23 and June 26, 2014 and September 17 and September 20, 2014, respectively.


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