Democratic Change and Gender: The 'Foremother Exercise'
Publication of the Project
Democratic Change and Gender: The 'Foremother Exercise'

The ICDT’s new publication Democratic Change and Gender: The ’Foremother Exercise’ emerged from the “Belarus Women’s” Project. The publication analyzes democratic changes using the methodology of oral history, applied to research in the life of a female ancestor. The introduction by Andrea Pető, Professor at the Central European University of Budapest, and Berteke Waaldijk, leader of the ATHENA3 network, describes how the foremother experience contributes to the expansion of democratic thinking, as well as the theoretical study on the methodology of research. The comments by the authors complement the seven essays written by the project participants about their personal foremothers. The publication also contains a photo-essay on the foremother installation prepared by the participants, a short description of the project, and welcoming words by Sonja Licht, Chair of the ICDT's Executive Committee, that express the ICDT's commitment for support of women's movements in transitional countries.

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