Afghanistan After ISAF Policy Paper
Afghanistan After ISAF Policy Paper

As the antecedent of this study and policy paper, the International Centre for Democratic Transition organized a roundtable discussion on 27 January 2012 in Budapest with the support of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) on the future of Afghanistan. ICDT has been planning to bring together representatives of the governmental and non-governmental sector, NATO and the academic sphere to discuss the implementation of the so-called inteqal/transition process in Afghanistan since the Lisbon NATO Summit in November 2010, where the „road map” of transmitting the functions of governance and security from the international forces (ISAF) to the Afghan government was endorsed.

The following study is not per definitionem a policy paper; it aims to achieve perspicacity on the topics of the inteqal/transition process in Afghanistan. Experts of ICDT are introducing the history of the transition process and at the same time present the background, the implementation issues and some regional questions.

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