Second Episode of the Pro Domo Club for Foreign Affairs Held
7 May 2012
Second Episode of the Pro Domo Club for Foreign Affairs Held

In cooperation with the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), ICDT organized the second episode of the Pro Domo Club for foreign affairs on 7 May. The event titled “Hungarian Interests in the Western Balkans” was opened by Mr. Botond Zákonyi, Director of the HIIA and Amb. László Várkonyi, President and CEO of the ICDT.

Following the opening remarks, Dr. Péter Sztáray, Deputy State Secretary for Security Policy and Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the Hungarian priorities and strategies in the Western Balkan region. Dr. Sztáray emphasised that these countries are indispensable for a successful Hungarian foreign affairs strategy and the importance of supporting their Euro-Atlantic integration aspirations. He also stressed that the Government supports the Hungarian investments and foreign-economic interests through the trade-chambers and our diplomatic corps in the target countries.

Mr. Péter Lőrincze, Director of the Trigánit Plc. presented the company’s main achievements in the region and emphasised the importance of the common initiatives of the governmental and the private sector, as well as the importance of supporting the foreign-economic diplomats.

Mr. Szabolcs I. Ferencz, Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs at MOL Plc. introduced the Western Balkan countries’ economic indicators related to the gas and oil industry. Mr. Ferencz indicated that the MOL Group plays an active actor in the region and in cooperation with the domestic oil and gas companies the group would strenghten its influence in the target countries.

The lecturers and the participants – mostly academic experts, researchers, governmental officials, private sector representatives and entrepreneurs – discussed the possible areas of cooperation between private and the governmental sector, as well as the civil society by lively and active debates.

As our common project will have a summer break, the ICDT and the HIIA is committed to continue its Pro Domo Club in September, 2012.

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