In cooperation with the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), ICDT organized the third episode of the Pro Domo Club for foreign affairs on October 15, 2012.
The session titled „Afghanistan and Hungary after 2014” was opened by Amb. Prof. Dr. István Gyarmati, President of the Centre for Public Democracy Foundation. The event was chaired by Mr. Péter Wagner, Research Fellow at the HIIA.
Following the opening remakrs, Mr. Péter Siklósi, Deputy State Secretary for Defense Planning at the Ministry of Defense presented the Hungarian military strategy in Afghanistan until 2014 and highlighted the priorities of the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). Mr. Siklósi underlined the support of NATO and the United States and highlighted the importance of our new responsibility - ensuring the safety and security of the Kabul International Airport. The Deputy State Secretary stressed the legitimacy of our presence in Afghanistan and our committment to support nation building in the country.
Ambassador Gyarmati designated the decision-making of the Hungarian governments efficient concerning the military presence in Afghanistan and highlighted the importance of the upcoming elections in the country.
The lecturers and the participants – mostly academic experts, researchers, and governmental officials – discussed the possible political, military, and social scenarios in the Central-Asian country.