CIVEX Moldova Study Tour
11-15 November, 2013
CIVEX Moldova Study Tour

A comprehensive study tour was held in Budapest for several CSO members from the Republic of Moldova. As previous segments of the project were dedicated to present the best practices of various NGOs from other V4 countries, the study tour was intended to transmit not only useful knowledge, but also the positive and negative experiences of various NGOS from Hungary.

As a kick-off event of the study trip, participants of the project visited the Hungarian Women's Congress, organized for the first time in Budapest. The further program of the study tour was built up according to various topics, such as the "bridge between government and the civilian sector", presented by the Dr. Marcel Szabó from the Hungarian Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, or "successful civilian initiatives", as it was presented by Ms. Ágnes Osztolykán, representative of the grassroot party LMP.

During the study trip, participants had the opportunity to visit the successul Hungarian gender-based organization NANE, and also Mr. Ferenc Jári from the International Visegrad Fund presented funding opportunities and application requirements.

As a closing session of the program, Dr. Andrea Pető, professor at the Central European University concluded her gender history program, the Foremother Exercise.

The project titled "CIVEX Moldova" is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

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