Closing Workshop of CIVEX Moldova held in Chisinau
20 March, 2014
Closing Workshop of CIVEX Moldova held in Chisinau

The closing event of the project titled "CIVEX Moldova" was held in Chisinau, on March 20, 2014. The agenda of the event was generally based on the experience of previous project events and lessons learned, with the aim to improve the skills and knowledge of civil society members from all around the Republic of Moldova. The event focused on the general practicalities, expanding the CSO-NGO toolkit, and also on the future of the region, as seen through a geopolitical analysis.

Along with the presentation of ICDT's experts, a strong supporter of ICDT's efforts in Moldova, the Hungarian Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights delegated its expert to hold a presentation on the international environment of women movements, and also practical cases of the Office.

ICDT is grateful for all the efforts from all of our partners during this project: the Women's Foundation in Poland (, the Czech Women Union ( and primarily, a local Moldovan partner "NGO Interaction"  (

The project "CIVEX Moldova", ending in March, 2014 was supported by the International Visegrad Fund.


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